Best App of the Month: Uber For Dogs


Every month, The Occasional saves you the trouble of sifting through the app store and recommends the one you must download.



About The App: Uber Dog

An entirely new way to travel, Uber Dog finds nearby dogs to give you a ride to your destination. It’s available in most major cities and has three levels, depending on how premium of a service you’re willing to pony up for: Bad Dog X, Good Boy, and Big Dog. We recommend shelling out for the Big Dog, who’s guaranteed to be a sizable pup who’ll carry you in its mouth. 

New functionality lets you easily set pick-up location by informing you what type of bacon to leave out on your front step. 




Select your level of dog and request a pick up. If you’re not satisfied with your driver, hit the “No!” button to return to the main menu. 



Reviews From The App Store:

JohnnyBakes ★★★☆☆

Cool app, wish it were better

This seemed like a great idea in theory. And I thought I’d be a big fan, as I absolutely adore the film ‘Hotel For Dogs.’ But it’s almost like they didn’t do ANY product testing. The first dog I ordered just ran into my house and hid under my bed for 3 hours. The second dog I ordered showed up on time, but didn’t know where he was going and despite me showing him repeatedly on my phone’s Google Maps, he brought me to his owner’s house, which was like 5 miles away. That said, I got to ride a doggy.

HeyKatieHeyyy ★☆☆☆☆

Bad app!

My dog stopped to take a shit every 5 minutes. WTF??? How u gonna give me a diarrhea dog?

JKSweets ★★☆☆☆


I love this app so much because I love dogs but don’t want the responsibility of owning one. Too needy and are always wanting stuff. At first all the dogs that picked me up were cool and let me ride them. Then they stopped being cool. On New Year’s Eve, no dogs wanted to pick me up and when one finally did, IT RAISED THE PRICES SO MUCH!!!! I had to pay 3x as much to ride a dog to my party.    

ComeOnRideTheChrisBruss ★★★★★

Bout time!

Much better and cheaper alternative to the over-priced Uber Horse

PoppaBear23 ★★★★☆

Not what I expected

My dog actually showed up driving a car and said “Get in. There’s no time to explain.” I didn’t ask any questions and he didn’t explain, which was fair given the disclaimer. But I got to where I needed and there were even a few bottles of water and a pack of Mentos in the back. Can’t complain. 


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